Letter to the Membership January 6, 2025

ABA members who are Registered Charities with Canada Revenue Agency:

Considering rising costs, particularly our significant income tax expense, we have devised a plan to help reduce this burden. The plan involves the exchange of your tax receipt for your donation cheque at the same time.

We propose this exchange at the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting on March 1, 2025, where all cheques will be available for pickup. To facilitate this process, we will email you the amount of your cheque and other details in advance to ensure the cheque and receipt match.

This approach offers several benefits:

  1. Reduced income tax expenses, allowing us to issue larger cheques to members.
  • Elimination of mailing costs, guaranteeing receipt of funds and tax receipts.
  • Reduction in stop payment fees and replacement cheques.

As an entirely volunteer and unpaid board, our goal is to maximize savings for our members through donations.

Dan McDonald,


Abbotsford Bingo Association