2023 AGM Minutes

AGM Minutes

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Playtime Gaming, Abbotsford, BC

10:30 am

10:30 am Registration and Refreshments

10:45 am Call to Order

  1. Introduction of the Board by Vice President Daniel Wight as President Glen Robertson is away

Glen Robertson – President – absent

Daniel Wight – Vice President

Dan McDonald – Treasurer

Melanie Kish – Secretary, appointed not elected

Chris Cryer– Director, absent

Gwen Settle – Director

  • Approval of the Agenda

That the Agenda be approved

Moved by Helen Sundberg, Clayburn Heritage Society                    

Seconded by Gerry Borden, Heritage Abbotsford                             Carried

  • Approval of the AGM Minutes from November 26, 2022

To approve the Minutes from November 26,2022.            

Moved by Clarence Joy, Knights of Columbus

Seconded by John Henderson, Kinsmen Club of Aldergrove            Carried

  • President’s Report

Daniel Wight read the report of Glen Robertson.

To accept the President report.

Moved by Gwen Settle, Abbotsford Agrifair

Seconded by Ross Craddock, Abbotsford Legion                              Carried

  • Treasurer Report

The Treasurer reported on both the 0752529 BC Ltd and the Abbotsford Bingo Association financial statement for year ended September 30, 2023. 

To accept the Treasurer report on the Abbotsford Bingo Association financial statement for year ended September 30, 2023. 

                          Moved by Dan McDonald, Treasurer ABA

Seconded by Jeannine McCarthy, Catholic Women’s League St. Ann’s Aldergrove



To accept the Treasurer report with discussion on the Financial Statement of 0752529 BC Ltd.

                          Moved by Gerry Borden, Heritage Abbotsford

Seconded by Mike Tomlins, Valley Therapeutic Equestrian Assoc.              Carried

  • Appointment of Auditor for 2023-2024

That the Financial Auditor of Abbotsford Bingo Financials be Shawn Wright, CPA Ltd.

Moved by Dan McDonald, Treasurer ABA

Seconded by Gerry Borden, Heritage Abbotsford                                         Carried

  • Election of Directors: 3 seats open

There will be an election of officers to the board, three seats are open

Current Members of the Board are:

President – Glen Robertson**                         Vice President – Daniel Wight**

Treasurer – Dan McDonald                            Secretary – open seat **

Director – Chris Cryer                                   Director – Ashley Gray

Director – Gwen Settle                    

                                                (** up for election)

At this time Melanie Kish is appointed as the ABA Secretary; however, this position can be filled by election

Daniel gave the floor to Melanie to oversee the election process:

Melanie stated that:

Glen Robertson, Daniel Wight) are up for election

And there is an open director seat (secretary)

Glen Robertson and Daniel Wight have allowed their names to stand. 

Dan McDonal informed the membership regarding commitment time expected from Directors and the amount of meeting per year.

Melanie called for nominations from the floor

Gerry Borden, Heritage Abbotsford, put his name forward

John Henderson, Kinsmen Club of Aldergrove, put his name forward

Melanie explained that with two names brought forward and only one seat available there would be an election.  At that time John Henderson withdrew his name.

With a full slate, a board was presented by acclamation:

Melanie Kish listed the Board of Directors for 2023-2024

Ashley Gray, Rotary Club of Abbotsford Sumas

Chris Cryer, Abbotsford Judo Club

Dan McDonald, Knights of Columbus

Dan Wight, Kiwanis Club of Abbotsford

Gerry Borden, Heritage Abbotsford

Glen Robertson, Big Brother Big Sisters

Gwen Settle, Abbotsford Agrifair

The board will elect the Executive after the AGM.


  • New Business – none brought forward
  • Adjournment

Moved to adjourn by Gwen Settle, Abbotsford Agrifair