2024 AGM Minutes

AGM Minutes

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Playtime Gaming, Abbotsford, BC

10:45 am

10:15 to 10:45 am Registration and Refreshments

10:45 am Call to Order

  1. Introduction of the Board by President Glen Robertson

Glen Robertson – President –

Daniel Wight – Vice President

Dan McDonald – Treasurer

Daniel Wight Secretary, appointed not elected

Chris Cryer– Director, 

Gwen Settle – Director

Gerry Borden – Director

Ashley Gray – Director (Absent)

  • Approval of the Agenda

That the Agenda be approved

Moved by Rocky Blondin, Hatzic Middle School PAC               

Seconded by Clarence Joy Carried

  • Approval of the AGM Minutes from December 9, 2023

To approve the AGM Minutes from December 2023.            

Moved by Dan McDonald, Knights of Columbus

Seconded by Clarence Joy, Knights of Columbus         Carried

  • President’s Report

President’s report read by Glen Robertson.

To accept the President report.

Moved by Gwen Settle, Abbotsford Agrifair

Seconded by Clarence Joy, Knights of Columbus    Carried

  • Treasurer Report

The Treasurer reported on both the 0752529 BC Ltd and the Abbotsford Bingo Association financial statement for year ended September 30, 2023. 

Motion -To accept the Abbotsford Bingo Association Treasurer’s report, prepared by Dan McDonald regarding the Abbotsford Bingo Association financial statement for year ended September 30, 2024. 

                          Moved by Gwen Settle Abbotsford Agrifair

Seconded by Dale Shackleford Kiwanis Club of Abbotsford – Carried

  • Appointment of Auditor for 2024-2025 – That the Auditor of Abbotsford Bingo Association is Shawn Wright, CPA Ltd.

Moved by Gerry Borden, Treasurer ABA

Seconded by Helene Sundberg, Clayburn Village Community Society – Carried

  • Election of Directors:

There was an election of officers to the board:  4 Seats open (positions open indicated by **)

Current Members of the Board are:

President – Glen Robertson                            Vice President – Daniel Wight

Treasurer – Dan McDonald**             Director – Ashley Gray**

Director – Chris Cryer **                                Director – Gerry Borden

Director – Gwen Settle **                               Secretary by appointment

The ABA Board of Directors for 2024-2025 (all 4 Directors positions by Acclamation)

Ashley Gray, Rotary Club of Abbotsford Sumas

Chris Cryer, Abbotsford Judo Club

Dan McDonald, Knights of Columbus

Dan Wight, Kiwanis Club of Abbotsford

Gerry Borden, Heritage Abbotsford

Glen Robertson, Big Brother Big Sisters

Gwen Settle, Abbotsford Agrifair

  • New Business: To change the fiscal year end date of the Abbotsford Bingo Association be changed from September 30th annually to December 31st Annually. (See attached Motion on page 3, prepared by Dan McDonald (Treasurer) for complete details.

Motion by Dan McDonald

Seconded by Gwen Settle Abbotsford Agrifair. Carried

  • Motion to Adjourn the 2024 AGM at 11:26 AM

Motion by Dan McDonald

Seconded by Chris Cryer            Carried

Motion under (8) New Business – Moved by Dan McDonald


(the “Association”)

Abbotsford, B.C.

Motion and Notice of Motion was made at the Annual General Meeting of the

Association (the “AGM”) held on November 30, 2024.

WHEREAS in discussion with the auditor of the Association it was learned that the

Auditor has determined that it would be beneficial for him to have the year ends of both

Association and 0752529 B.C. Ltd. (“0752”) synchronize with the annual financial

statements of Abby Properties Ltd. (“Abby”) to assist in the preparation of the annual

financial statements of both the Association and the sister organization and debtor of

the Association, 0752529 B.C. Ltd. (“0752”). The rational is that it would considerably

improve the ability of the Auditor produce financial statements in a timely manner

without much of the work presently entailed; and

WHEREAS the fiscal year end of Abby is December 31, annually; and

WHEREAS the timing of the fiscal year ends of both the Association and 0752 generally

dictates the approximate date of the AGM; and

WHEREAS should the proposed change to the Association’s fiscal year end be made,

then the date of the AGM would need to change to reflect the new date of the

Association’s fiscal year end, which change will require an amendment to the

Association’s Bylaws which require the AGM to be held no later than December 31


THERFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the fiscal year end of the Association be changed

from September 30 annually to December 31 annually; and

THERFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the required Notice of Motion for the

amendment to the Bylaws be made by way of this motion and then discussed, and

voted upon at a Special General Meeting to be held no later than March 31, 2025, which

amendment would read “That the Bylaws of Abbotsford Bingo Association be amended to read that the AGM of the Association be held no later than March 31 annually”.

The above Motion was proposed by: Dan McDonald, Director and Treasurer and seconded by Gwen Settle Director of the

Abbotsford Bingo Association – Motion was Carried

Abbotsford Bingo Association Executive Board Meeting

 November 30, 2024, 1135 AM

Playtime Casino meeting room,

President Glen Robertson called the meeting to order.

Recording Secretary:  Daniel Wight

Six of the Seven Directors of Abbotsford Bingo Association were present:

Ashley Gray, Rotary Club of Abbotsford Sumas (absent)

Chris Cryer, Abbotsford Judo Club

Dan McDonald, Knights of Columbus

Dan Wight, Kiwanis Club of Abbotsford

Gerry Borden, Heritage Abbotsford

Glen Robertson, Big Brother Big Sisters

Gwen Settle, Abbotsford Agrifair

Motion by Chris Cryer, seconded by Jerry Borden that the Directors of the ABA nominate the Association Executive.  Motion carried

The following executive positions were approved: 

President:  Glen Robertson

Vice President: Gwen Settle

Treasurer:  Dan McDonald

Secretary: Daniel Wight

Directors: Ashley Gray, Rotary Club of Abbotsford Sumas (absent)

Chris Cryer, Abbotsford Judo Club Gerry Borden, Heritage Abbotsford

Motion by Daniel Wight, seconded by Glen Robertson:  As there was no further business, the ABA Executive Meeting was adjourned at 11:40 AM, 30 November 2024.

Motion Carried