AGM Minutes
Saturday, November 26, 2022
Playtime Gaming, Abbotsford, BC
11:00 am
10:30 am Registration and Refreshments
11:00 am Call to Order, Introduction of Guests
Introduction of Guests
The President Glen Robertson welcomed everyone to the meeting. There are no special guests.
Introduction of the Board
Glen Robertson – President
Sharon Mutter – Vice President
Dan McDonald – Treasurer
Melanie Kish – Secretary
Helen Sundberg – Director, absent due to family matters
Daniel Wight – Director, absent due to family matters
Approval of the Agenda
That the Agenda be approved
Moved by Gwen Settle, Abbotsford Agrifair
Seconded by Julie Turner, Kiwanis Abbotsford Carried
Approval of the AGM Minutes from December 14, 2019
To accept the Minutes from December 14, 2019, with the correction of Item # 9 – that there were 3 seats open for election. M Kish, D Wight, G Robertson. Correcting that Glen Robertson’s name was missed.
Moved by Ashley Gray, Rotary Abbotsford Sumas
Seconded by Eric Kwan, Mt. Lehman Community Carried
President’s Report
Glen Robertson read a document called “Brief historic genesis of the ABA, The AB Trust and 0752529BC Ltd.” – Attached and on file
Chances Abbotsford Update – no representative available
Fraser Valley Community Charitable Gaming Association – ED Sheila Wright, sent regrets
Treasurer Report –
The Treasurer reported on both the 0752529 BC Ltd and the Abbotsford Bingo Association financial statement for year ended September 30, 2022.
He also asked members to provide their Government Charity Numbers, if they have one, as it would assist in the Tax we are paying from the Trust.
Financials are done by Shawn Wright, CPA Ltd
Financials were distributed to Members
To accept the Financial Report as presented.
Moved by Dan McDonald, Treasurer ABA
Seconded by Mike Tomlins, Valley Therapeutic Carried
Appointment of Auditor for 2022-2023
That the Financial Auditor of Abbotsford Bingo Financials be Dan McDonald.
Moved by Glen Robertson, President ABA
Gerry Borden, Heritage Abbotsford, pointed out that the ABA Bylaws:
Part 11 – Audits and Inspections 46.
The Board of Directors shall appoint auditors. Audits shall be conducted and presented to the members at least annually. The annual audit shall coincide with the annual change of elected officers. Other audits will also be conducted from time to time, by the Association. Members of the Board cannot serve as auditors.
Dan McDonald withdrew his name and
Moved that Shawn Wright, CPA Ltd be the auditor.
Seconded by Gerry Borden, Heritage Abbotsford Carried
Election of Directors: 3 seats open
Glen Robertson stated that: Dan McDonald, Sharon Mutter and Helene Sundberg are up for election
Dan McDonald has allowed his name to stand
Call for nominations from the floor
Russ Bartow, ASAS, nominates Gwen Settle Abbotsford Agrifair
Gwen accepts nomination
Glen Robertson, Big Brothers, nominates Dan McDonald, Knight s of Columbus
Dan accepts nomination
Chris Cryer, Abbotsford Judo, puts his name forward
Ashley Gray, Rotary Club Abbotsford Sumas, puts his name forward
At this time, Secretary Melanie Kish stepped down from the board of directors.
Moved by Dan McDonald to accept the four nominees.
Seconded by John Henderson, Kinsmen Club of Aldergrove
All nominees are accepted to the Board by acclimation.
Glen Robertson listed the Board of Directors for 2022-2023
Ashley Gray, Rotary Club of Abbotsford Sumas
Chris Cryer, Abbotsford Judo Club
Dan McDonald, Knights of Columbus
Dan Wight, Kiwanis Club of Abbotsford
Glen Robertson, Big Brother Big Sisters
Gwen Settle, Abbotsford Agrifair
The board will elect the Executive after the AGM.
New Business
Discussion on “what would make the ABA no longer in existence”
Moved to adjourn by Craig Raven, Abbotsford Concert Band.